
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Mother's Morning

By the time I get to it

My tea tastes of nothing


It started

As I swam back to 


In the hour before dawn


Discipling the dogs as I came downstairs

Starting a pot of coffee

Mixing spices for the chicken I’m roasting

At 6:30 in the morning

For the evening meal


Next, it’s shoes, cleats actually

Wet from yesterday’s game in the rain


‘Put them in the drier,’ I said sagely

Thirty minutes later my Sweeper

Or is it Centre Back

Exposes unglued souls

Panic ensues


There’s a game today

The nearest store is an hour away

My schedule is packed


She finds the gorilla glue

I turn to social media

Confident other soccer moms

Have cupboards full of cleats

In various sizes

As do I


Cleats are offered

The glue has stuck

And I think this child

Won’t become known

In the annals of soccer

As Shoeless Suki K


Work – some work must be done

On deadline

Before 9 this morning


After the kids leave for school

And return for

Forgotten things

I sit, copy and paste

Write a few abstracts

Distracted by the doctor directed

Reduction in coffee consumption


The dogs suddenly

Need to go out 

I can’t ignore the barking

At the door

I have less than 10 minutes

To deadline


They’re out, then in

I answer an email

Post to the website

Check social media 

Searching for replies 

To interview requests

I sent out before 7 am


Inappropriately early appeals

To parents

Of school-aged children

We are a cadre of early risers

Whether we want to be

Or not


9:05 the chicken is cooked

The dogs are pooped

I turn the ringer on the phone off

Close all the curtains

Lock the doors

And sit down to write


Taking a moment to






To the sound of running water

In the fish tank

The white noise overhead

From the heat pump


Too soon

The hour I carved

For creative preservation

Is over


There’s an email from a teacher

Homework hasn’t been handed in

The chicken needs to be dissected

Bones and skin for broth

Dogs need to be walked



I don’t want to think of what’s next

My jaw clenches as I review my schedule


I miss the early days of the pandemic

When all we had to do was stay home

Thankful for the exemption from the world


But right now


I must remember


To eat

Brush my teeth

Wash my face

Apply deodorant

Leave the house

And drink my tea

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