
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Never a better time to have a dog

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am absolutely in love with my dog. And I am grateful for his companionship each and every day.

Last year when I sustained a concussion and couldn’t read, couldn’t spend time on the computer; my dog was a great distraction.

I learned then, what many will be learning now in the age of social distancing, there’s never been a better time to own a dog.

There is the obvious and most commonly touted benefit of companionship. My dog is always keen to sit with me, always wants to be near me. And when I am home all the time, as I am now, he finally has as much ‘me’ time as he wants. Which is every minute of the day.

And there is the need to keep active and go outside when you have a dog. No matter how dull you feel from social isolation, the dog will make sure you get outside at least five times a day. And probably get some exercise.

We haven’t been on many walks lately due to the salt on the street and sidewalks, but we have some great games of ball in the back yard—so much so my pitching arm is sore in the mornings.

A dog keeps you regular too. Not the bran and prunes type of regular, but the get-up-in-the-morning type. My dog can only stay inside so long after the sun rises—it’s his signal to get up and get outside. If I’m lazy, his whimpering gets me up and at ‘em quickly. Thankfully, he usually can wait until I get the coffee going.

My dog is sitting next to me now as I write this, keeping company on a quiet morning. We’ve been out, enjoyed the calm, crisp morning and are ready to face the day together.

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